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Cm7 b5 b9 lesson

In this lesson you are going to see 3 powerful scales which are C melodic minor scale, blue scale and the locrian scale you can use to improvise on the grove. Note this lesson is useful for beginners, intermediate and professionals; either keyboard, guitar, violin, bass, players.

 improvisation, which is the making up of new melodic solo lines or accompaniment parts, is a key aspect of jazz. Improvisation is composing on the spot, in which a singer or instrumentalist invents solo melodies and lines over top of a chord progression played by rhythm section instruments (piano, electric guitar, double bass, etc.) and also accompanied by drum kit. While blues, rock and other genres also use improvisation, the improvisation in these non-jazz genres typically is done over relatively simple chord progressions which often stay in one key (or closely related keys using the circle of fifths,  C Major-cm7 b5 b9 groove

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